Children and teachers from Thrybergh Fullerton School in front of the Letters to Heaven post box they fundraised for.

Rotherham Hospice Welcomes the New “Letters to Heaven” Post Box, Fundraised by Thrybergh Fullerton School for Our Sunbeams Children’s Bereavement Support Group

At Rotherham Hospice, we are dedicated to providing compassionate care and support to our community, especially to the young hearts in need. Today, we are thrilled to announce the installation of our new “Letters to Heaven” post box, a heartfelt addition that has found its place in our beautiful Reflection Garden at the front of the Hospice.

A Gift from the Heart

The inspiration behind this post box came from a touching news story about six similar boxes being installed around Sheffield. This idea resonated deeply with us, particularly within our Sunbeams Children’s Bereavement Support Group. Sunbeams offers a safe haven for children dealing with loss, and writing letters to their loved ones in heaven has been a cherished activity within the group. Until now, these letters were lovingly placed in a handmade box in our lodge. Thanks to the incredible fundraising efforts of Thrybergh Fullerton School, we now have a dedicated, beautifully crafted post box where these precious messages can be sent.

Our Letters to Heaven Post Box in our Hospice Reflection Garden

A Community Effort

The students and staff at Thrybergh Fullerton School have shown extraordinary generosity and spirit in their fundraising efforts. Their commitment to supporting Sunbeams is a testament to the strength and compassion of our community. When the school representatives visited the Hospice to see the new post box, they shared their heartfelt sentiments:

"Sunbeams is run and maintained by a group of very special people who have so much love and care for the young children of Rotherham. They provide invaluable support for children in their time of need and support each one individually. The hard work that is done by everyone at the hospice is something to be recognized and our school, along with others, are very grateful for this. We look forward to fundraising with you again in the future."

We are deeply moved by their words and grateful for their support. The partnership between Thrybergh Fullerton School and Rotherham Hospice demonstrates how we can come together to create meaningful and lasting impacts in the lives of children and families.

A New Way to Stay Connected

Lisa, our Sunbeams Coordinator, has seen firsthand how the act of writing letters brings comfort and a sense of connection to the children in our care. She shares:

"Our Sunbeams children have written letters to heaven for some time but posted in a handmade box in our lodge. To have something like this with a beautiful Reflection Garden beside it will be fantastic for the children and adults here at the Hospice."

Writing down thoughts and feelings helps children process their emotions and communicate with their loved ones who have passed away. Whether they are sharing news about a goal scored in a football game, their progress at school, or a recent birthday celebration, these letters allow them to maintain a bond and feel close to those they miss.

"The act of writing down thoughts and feelings can bring comfort. Our Sunbeams children have used it as a way to share how they are feeling and to communicate news with their loved ones, telling them about a goal scored, how they are doing at school or what they did on their birthdays. It's a way for them to still feel connected."

A Sacred Space for Memories

Every letter or card placed in the “Letters to Heaven” post box is treated with the utmost respect and is never read. This new post box is more than just a receptacle; it is a sacred space where children and adults alike can express their deepest thoughts and keep their memories alive. It stands as a symbol of hope and connection in our Reflection Garden, providing solace and peace to all who visit.

Join us in Making a Difference

Rotherham Hospice is a beacon of hope and care in our community. We provide essential services to individuals and families facing serious illnesses and bereavement. However, our ability to offer these vital services relies heavily on the generosity of our supporters. Every donation, whether large or small, makes a significant difference in the lives of those we serve.

Our “Letters to Heaven” post box and Reflection Garden are just one example of how community contributions can create a lasting impact. With your help, we can continue to offer compassionate support to children through our Sunbeams group and extend our care to countless others who rely on our services.

We invite you to be a part of our mission. Whether you choose to make a donation, participate in fundraising events, or volunteer your time, your involvement is invaluable. Together, we can ensure that Rotherham Hospice remains a sanctuary of comfort and care for all who need it.

For more information about how you can contribute to Rotherham Hospice, please click here.

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