Volunteers’ Week at Rotherham Hospice

This week (3rd-9th June 2024) is Volunteers’ Week where, across the country, we celebrate the amazing volunteers that give their time up for a cause.

At Rotherham Hospice, our amazing volunteers work hard every day and ensure we can continue to do the work we do. From serving teas and coffees to patients and loved ones, to working hard in the garden or at one of our charity shops, to counselling grieving loved ones or supporting our Sunbeams Children’s Bereavement Support Group – we can’t thank our Volunteers enough for all the hard work they do.

We wanted to share the stories of four volunteers – why they volunteer for the Hospice, what they do and what their favourite thing about volunteering is.

Stephen's Story

Paige's Story

Andrew's Story

Aimee's Story

Why volunteer?

Volunteering doesn’t just help us – it helps you too! Through volunteering you can…

  • Learn new skills and gain valuable work experience in an area you might want to develop a career in.
  • Make new friends who have the shared interest of giving back to their community.
  • Develop better physical and mental health and wellbeing whether that’s through getting your steps in on your shift or the positive buzz of helping those in need.
  • Improve your confidence through meeting new people every day.
  • Connect with your community and give something back.

Volunteering can be as big or as little a commitment as you want – whether it’s a weekly shift in our IPU or a marshall at a one off fundraising event, every form of volunteering matters and helps us immensely.

If you fancy volunteering with Rotherham Hospice, get in touch! Find out more about our volunteering opportunities here or give us a ring on 01709 308 900.

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